doncasterramblers: Briefing at Teveril Coal Garden......
doncasterramblers: ..... by Peter G
doncasterramblers: On the Teversal Track - old railway line
doncasterramblers: On the track, in Nottinghamshire....
doncasterramblers: ... and then into Derbyshire, where the Pleasley Pit was worked
doncasterramblers: 'Elevenses'
doncasterramblers: Through a farmyard......
doncasterramblers: ...... and across fields
doncasterramblers: A kissing gate to negotiate
doncasterramblers: Ault Hucknall church......
doncasterramblers: .... with renovated carvings
doncasterramblers: Within the Hardwick Estate
doncasterramblers: A bit of history about Bess, from Peter
doncasterramblers: Passing Hardwick Hall
doncasterramblers: Old Hardwick Hall
doncasterramblers: Looking for our lunch place....
doncasterramblers: Passing new houses, in the rain
doncasterramblers: Re-joining the Teversal Trail
doncasterramblers: Helping a couple of cyclists with poor map-reading skills
doncasterramblers: Nearly back to the start
doncasterramblers: The car park again.
doncasterramblers: A stroll in the parks