doncasterramblers: Walking up from Hope
doncasterramblers: Is that a cement factory?
doncasterramblers: Brian climbs the stile elegantly
doncasterramblers: Didn’t know there were tractors up Win Hill
doncasterramblers: There’s the top
doncasterramblers: Angela and Carmen hanging on in the wind
doncasterramblers: Eric finishing his snap just before the rain
doncasterramblers: Getting chilly
doncasterramblers: Donning more layers
doncasterramblers: Hold on lads
doncasterramblers: Wonderful views despite the weather
doncasterramblers: Which way ?
doncasterramblers: Toward Bagshaw Bridge with views of Lose Hill
doncasterramblers: Still happy despite the rain
doncasterramblers: Nice and warm in Ladybower Inn