doncasterramblers: The initial gathering today's nine Ramblers
doncasterramblers: Why is it called Cutthroat Bridge?
doncasterramblers: We enjoy the steady climb
doncasterramblers: This was the breath-taking view that rewarded our efforts
doncasterramblers: Elevenses amidst the heather
doncasterramblers: Not a grouse to be seen or heard
doncasterramblers: Wheel Stones or Coach and Horses
doncasterramblers: Allegedly a Salt Seller used to do business here
doncasterramblers: By this time we had encountered five hare corpses and various grouse butts
doncasterramblers: Well-bred cakes we were told
doncasterramblers: Time for lunch
doncasterramblers: This caterpillar attracted our collective attention
doncasterramblers: Not a dry eye among us. The cairn of Lost Lad and a toposcope
doncasterramblers: A welcome downhill stretch
doncasterramblers: The Upper Derwent
doncasterramblers: The Salt Seller (boulder) from Pike Low
doncasterramblers: Cameras ready? The view is one reason why we ramble
doncasterramblers: A lovely wooded downhill path
doncasterramblers: Getting closer to Ladybower
doncasterramblers: Time for a breather near the water's edge and a drowned village
doncasterramblers: Refreshments just before our return to Cutthroat Bridge