doncasterramblers: We should have known it might be damp. There's a clue there!
doncasterramblers: A lovely view from the car park.
doncasterramblers: For some, this was an even more enticing attraction.
doncasterramblers: Eighteen of us being called together by our leader Brian.
doncasterramblers: This local, static Denison and dog were quite impressed with our singing.
doncasterramblers: Heading off-road into a field of sheep and lambs.
doncasterramblers: One of many thoughtful pauses on a clammy day.
doncasterramblers: Elevenses on the Drewton Estate.
doncasterramblers: Jean, Dave and Angela enjoying their break and the views.
doncasterramblers: Angela had two kinds of delicious cake - fruit and coconut. Yummy.
doncasterramblers: In the Wolds, a few 'ups' are to be expected and a few breathers required.
doncasterramblers: A collective breather after a successful climb.
doncasterramblers: As if there wasn't enough to worry about!
doncasterramblers: Alan was bravely and successfully keeping the chickens at bay.
doncasterramblers: Into the unknown.
doncasterramblers: Lunchtime retreat at the very hospitable Bear Inn, South Cave.
doncasterramblers: It began to drizzle a bit more seriously as we left.
doncasterramblers: The umbrellas, rucksack covers and waterproofs became essential.
doncasterramblers: It rained very heavily at times.
doncasterramblers: The heavens opened, the drains couldn't cope, but we had almost finished our walk.