doncasterramblers: The select and happy band for today
doncasterramblers: There was a strong perfume from the nearby muck heap!
doncasterramblers: Corroboration of our commitment to Covid conventions concerning congress
doncasterramblers: Extra evidence of compliance with our Covid code
doncasterramblers: From Marr towards High Melton
doncasterramblers: Yes, the breeze from those there wind mills is very welcome
doncasterramblers: This stile at High Melton is renowned for its difficulty
doncasterramblers: What a relief to get over safe and well
doncasterramblers: Where did this very straight, long, tree-lined avenue originally lead?
doncasterramblers: Good job we knew it was there. Only narrow single file path provided
doncasterramblers: What's that? Oh, a water stop; yes please.
doncasterramblers: Lunch stop at church in Cadeby
doncasterramblers: Wetting one's whistles at the nearby Cadeby Inn
doncasterramblers: Stoicism personified. Waiting for the whistle-wetters to finish.
doncasterramblers: On the trail from Cadeby to Sprotbrough.
doncasterramblers: Are we nearly there yet?
doncasterramblers: Yes, we're back in Sprotbrough and it's only 2.45.