doncasterramblers: Thirty-eight walkers are briefed in Welton*.......
doncasterramblers: ...... by Phil
doncasterramblers: ...... before setting off.*
doncasterramblers: Extensive views from Elloughton Hill
doncasterramblers: Into the woods
doncasterramblers: Coffee break - view for miles
doncasterramblers: Pausing for a catch-up
doncasterramblers: Open countryside
doncasterramblers: Mud, mud, glorious mud - not a lot though
doncasterramblers: A few snowdrops!
doncasterramblers: We walk past them
doncasterramblers: By-passing huge quarry on the right
doncasterramblers: Returning to Welton,* passing the former mill pond
doncasterramblers: The Church of St Helen
doncasterramblers: Lunch by the old mill stream*
doncasterramblers: Inside the Green Dragon*
doncasterramblers: Ready to leave our lovely lunch stop
doncasterramblers: Phil leads the way for the afternoon stroll
doncasterramblers: Line abreast up Welton Dale
doncasterramblers: Queuing at a kissing gate
doncasterramblers: Top of the Dale
doncasterramblers: The Raikes Mausoleum*
doncasterramblers: Another pause to catch-up
doncasterramblers: Afternoon sunshine and shadows
doncasterramblers: More woodland walking