doncasterramblers: Mel, Sonia and Dave ready to go
doncasterramblers: Line up, the leader's here
doncasterramblers: Walk leader, David, in full flow
doncasterramblers: Road or railway above?
doncasterramblers: A pause to take in the lovely views
doncasterramblers: Two karate chops and the tree was no more but the bootlaces were undone
doncasterramblers: Elevenses end at Clarborough Nature Reserve
doncasterramblers: Mud ahead and stragglers behind
doncasterramblers: I told you it would be muddy...
doncasterramblers: ... with the odd watery pot hole
doncasterramblers: North Leverton Windmill
doncasterramblers: One flight up, what's next?
doncasterramblers: It's quite high up here!
doncasterramblers: Chicken being egged on by Rob
doncasterramblers: Are there more millstones than chickens?
doncasterramblers: An informative miller
doncasterramblers: To boldly go ...
doncasterramblers: ... are we expected to follow?
doncasterramblers: Counting the cooling towers and chimneys at West Burton
doncasterramblers: Sunny indeed, but still cold and blustery
doncasterramblers: One last bridge...
doncasterramblers: ... and back to the cars.