nichols_: Violet
nichols_: Selfie of Captain Insaneo
nichols_: Neeley
nichols_: Susie
nichols_: A Boy and His Chiefs
nichols_: Susie
nichols_: Carving Pumpkins
nichols_: Paris, France
nichols_: Engagement Photos
nichols_: Drawing
nichols_: Dance Floor Silliness
nichols_: Walking down the Aisle
nichols_: The Metro
nichols_: Notre Dame - A Week Before the Fire
nichols_: Cafe in Paris
nichols_: What do you mean the frosting is not buttercream?!
nichols_: Beautiful Woman in Paris
nichols_: Hug from Mom
nichols_: Julie
nichols_: It Never Hurts to Bribe the Flower Girl
nichols_: she's getting married...I'M GETTING MARRIED!!!!
nichols_: Prayer Before the Ceremony
nichols_: Earrings
nichols_: Swinging at the Omaha Zoo
nichols_: Science Fair Project
nichols_: A Sibling?!! NOOOOOOO!!!
nichols_: Reading a Letter from the Bride
nichols_: Right After Watching Revenge of the Sith
nichols_: Madison
nichols_: Momma & Baby