Alex Rubystone: The Autosub neighborhood
Alex Rubystone: DOTA's pillow pile
Alex Rubystone: Autosub's dome
Alex Rubystone: Autosub
Alex Rubystone: Lee-kai getting hosed down
Alex Rubystone: Quantum Mechanics in the Desert
Alex Rubystone: Quantum Mechanics in the Desert
Alex Rubystone: Magical Polarizing Filters
Alex Rubystone: Waldo Parade
Alex Rubystone: Tent Mesh
Alex Rubystone: Polar Bear!
Alex Rubystone: tracks
Alex Rubystone: These People, They Are Tall
Alex Rubystone: The Man
Alex Rubystone: Chilling in the DOTA dome during a dust storm
Alex Rubystone: Dan and Julia
Alex Rubystone: Dan and Julia
Alex Rubystone: The Playa
Alex Rubystone: Sexing the mankite
Alex Rubystone: Flying Man
Alex Rubystone: Mimi + DOTA's kite
Alex Rubystone: Charlie and Julia
Alex Rubystone: Kite Time
Alex Rubystone: Flying Man
Alex Rubystone: DOTA Kites
Alex Rubystone: Me flying kite
Alex Rubystone: DOTA kites