1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Braunschweig bei Nacht - von Menschen und Vögeln (Brunswick at night - of men and birds)
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
paw print in the snow
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Spuren im Sand
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
snow abstract - abstract snow
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Spuren des vergangenen Jahres
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Spuren hinter dem Zaun
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
kreuz und quer und doch gerade
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
a man and his dog
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Wattwanderer oder auch Schlickwanderer :)
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Blatt mit Raureif
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
something to fire up imagination