1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Aus dem grünen Meer sich empor reckend
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Was vom Mohn übrig blieb...
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Was vom Mohn übrig blieb...
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Was vom Mohn übrig blieb...
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Mohnkapseln - Symbol des Schlafens und Vergessens
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Wars Will Cease...When We Refuse To Fight Them
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): “One must maintain a little bit of summer, even in the middle of winter.” - Henry David Thoreau
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Variations of the Poppy - Like tissue paper
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Variations of the Poppy - Dancer in an orange ball gown
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Variations of the Poppy - Gone with the Wind
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Variations of the Poppy - Heart of the Blossom
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Kalifornischer Mohn / Goldmohn (Eschscholzia californica)
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Klatschmohn (Papaver rhoeas)