1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Appropriate Waste Handling! - Artgerechte Müllhaltung!
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Eingang zum Aquarium mit Iguanodon
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Gurken sind schon was Feines
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Genuss pur - pure pleasure - HSoS!
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Roter Tropfenastrild (Peters's Twinspot - Hypargos niveoguttatus)
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Manche Namen.... Senegal-Furchenschnabel-Bartvogel
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Gürtelgrasfink (Black-Throated Finch - Poephila cincta)
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Flammenkopf-Bartvogel (Red-And-Yellow Barbet - Trachyphonus erythrocephalus)