1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Dill mit Zitrone
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Blick über die Dächer von Goslar
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Burg und Festung Regenstein
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Gaukler der Tropen
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Beauty and the Beast
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Symphonie in Blau - Der Südsee
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
...unter der brücke...
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Holy Light - Heiliges Licht
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Blüte im Gegenlicht
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Spring in Brunswicks "Bürgerpark"
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
White Tulips
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Scharlachroter Schwalbenschwanz (Papilio rumanzovia)
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
morning dew 1/3
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Schloss Marienburg
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Krieg und Frieden (war and peace)
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Braunkolbiger Braun-Dickkopffalter (Thymelicus sylvestris)
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Melancholie 2/3
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Die Wartburg
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Brunnen im Römischen Haus
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
Pfauenauge auf Sonnenhut
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!):
wenn die einen über den anderen tuscheln...