1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Schneckenhaus? Schneckenhütchen? Oder beides?
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Was alles so auf einen Baumstamm passt...
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Herbstwald - ready to fly away
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Kaisermantel, Weibchen (Argynnis paphia f. valesina)
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): rural idyll with sunflowers
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Was von der Bank übrig blieb... / What was left of the bench...
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Kleine rote Bank / Little red bench
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Museumsmühle Abbenrode, Bockwindmühle
1elf12 (Take care and stay safe, my friends!): Quelltopf mit Zaun - fenced well - HFF!