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Mazomanie Oak Barrens SNA, WI Early Sept. 2021 by Rich Kahl
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Rich Kahl
2021-09-05 15.32.24
Rich Kahl
Leadplant Amorpha canescens
Rich Kahl
Sky Blue Aster Symphyotrichum oolentangiense 2
Rich Kahl
Sky Blue Aster Symphyotrichum oolentangiense 2 (3)
Rich Kahl
Sky Blue Aster Symphyotrichum oolentangiense 2 (2)
Rich Kahl
Silky Aster Symphyotrichum sericeum 2
Rich Kahl
Sky Blue Aster Symphyotrichum oolentangiense (3)
Rich Kahl
Sky Blue Aster Symphyotrichum oolentangiense (2)
Rich Kahl
Goat's Rue Tephrosia virginiana
Rich Kahl
Sky Blue Aster Symphyotrichum oolentangiense
Rich Kahl
Silky Aster Symphyotrichum sericeum
Rich Kahl
Silky Aster Symphyotrichum sericeum (3)
Rich Kahl
Silky Aster Symphyotrichum sericeum (2)
Rich Kahl
Common Gilled Mushrooms and Allies Order Agaricales
Rich Kahl
Common Gilled Mushrooms and Allies Order Agaricales (3)
Rich Kahl
Common Gilled Mushrooms and Allies Order Agaricales (2)
Rich Kahl
Flax-leaved Aster Ionactis linariifolia (3)
Rich Kahl
Flax-leaved Aster Ionactis linariifolia (2)
Rich Kahl
Flax-leaved Aster Ionactis linariifolia
Rich Kahl
Bay Bolete Imleria badia
Rich Kahl
Bay Bolete Imleria badia (2)
Rich Kahl
Fern-leaved False Foxglove Aureolaria pedicularia
Rich Kahl
Rough Blazing Star Liatris aspera
Rich Kahl
Rough Blazing Star Liatris aspera (2)
Rich Kahl
Sweet Everlasting Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium
Rich Kahl
Sweet Everlasting Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium (2)
Rich Kahl
Small Copper Lycaena phlaeas nectaring on Sweet Everlasting Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium
Rich Kahl
Hoary Vervain Verbena stricta
Rich Kahl
Showy Goldenrod Solidago speciosa 2
Rich Kahl
Sunflowers Genus Helianthus
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