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Guanacaste NP, Belize Apr 7, 2021 by Rich Kahl
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Rich Kahl
Satyrs, Morphos, and Allies Subfamily Satyrinae 3
Rich Kahl
Green-eyed Dancer Argia frequentula 2
Rich Kahl
Dancers Genus Argia
Rich Kahl
Dusky-blue Groundstreak Calycopis isobeon
Rich Kahl
Argia adamsi Possibly - N of Range
Rich Kahl
Yellow Fly of the Dismal Swamp Diachlorus ferrugatus
Rich Kahl
Panus velutinus Possibly
Rich Kahl
Panus velutinus Possibly (2)
Rich Kahl
Woodcaps and Sawgills Genus Lentinus Possibly
Rich Kahl
Woodcaps and Sawgills Genus Lentinus Possibly (2)
Rich Kahl
Satyrs, Morphos, and Allies Subfamily Satyrinae 2
Rich Kahl
Translucent Cicadas Subfamily Cicadinae Possibly
Rich Kahl
Translucent Cicadas Subfamily Cicadinae Possibly (2)
Rich Kahl
Potter and Mason Wasps Subfamily Eumeninae
Rich Kahl
Satyrs, Morphos, and Allies Subfamily Satyrinae
Rich Kahl
Jumping Spiders Family Salticidae
Rich Kahl
Jumping Spiders Family Salticidae (2)
Rich Kahl
Green-eyed Dancer Argia frequentula
Rich Kahl
Gilled Mushroom
Rich Kahl
Bracket Fungi Family Polyporaceae Possibly
Rich Kahl
Bracket Fungi Family Polyporaceae Possibly (2)
Rich Kahl
Rich Kahl
Fungi (2)
Rich Kahl
Family Psathyrellaceae Possibly
Rich Kahl
Lichen Mantises Genus Liturgusa
Rich Kahl
Lichen Mantises Genus Liturgusa (3)
Rich Kahl
Lichen Mantises Genus Liturgusa (2)
Rich Kahl
Spread-wing Skippers Subfamily Pyrginae
Rich Kahl
Spread-wing Skippers Subfamily Pyrginae (2)