mgee8986: Go Fiat Go!
mgee8986: Faces
mgee8986: Joy Ride
mgee8986: Joy Ride
mgee8986: Clubin'
mgee8986: Where do we look?
mgee8986: Fountain...
mgee8986: Still Early...
mgee8986: Oktoberfest here we come!
mgee8986: Schottenhamel
mgee8986: Ham?
mgee8986: The line ot get in the tent!!!
mgee8986: The Line
mgee8986: BEER!
mgee8986: Our First Beers
mgee8986: All us Girls
mgee8986: Brianna, Kimmy and Michaela
mgee8986: EMPTY!
mgee8986: DSCN3369
mgee8986: BROST!
mgee8986: Bri smoking a cigar
mgee8986: Nicholas #1 and Rhea....DRUNK!
mgee8986: Lots of People
mgee8986: Dancing on Tables
mgee8986: Vanessa and Michaela
mgee8986: DSCN3377
mgee8986: DSCN3378
mgee8986: DSCN3380