goharibon: Yoga time!
goharibon: Doc Andrew and yoga participants
goharibon: Princess del Castillo, Ruby Magturo, and Sixto Bereber during the yoga session
goharibon: Doc Andrew starts his yoga session
goharibon: Alyssa, Jico, and Bebie Jane during the yoga session
goharibon: Doc Andrew with participants
goharibon: David Ples shares more about the Bagras
goharibon: David Ples shares about the Philippine Teak
goharibon: France observes the Philippine teak leaf with Jico in the background
goharibon: Molave with its signature 3 leaves
goharibon: David Ples with Katmon tree
goharibon: Alyssa and Kristine pay attention during a tree trek led by David Ples of PNPCSI
goharibon: Katmon leaves
goharibon: A native igem tree looks like a pine but it is not
goharibon: David Ples explains the harmful affects of planting mahogany trees - economic focus but is terribly invasive - leaves are acidic - Alleopathic, silent forest in bohol, leaves are clean because no local insects eat them
goharibon: David Ples of PNPCSI presents the exotic ipil-ipil left, and the native ipil right
goharibon: David Ples presents the Lipa tree
goharibon: Antipolo tree
goharibon: Sign on ultramafic rocks with Bebie Jane taking notes
goharibon: David Ples of PNPCSI presents the tangisang bayawak to tree trek participants
goharibon: Kristine looks at the fig of the tangisang bayawak
goharibon: Marie France Ablanque smells the cinnamon tree
goharibon: At the Leonard Co memorial
goharibon: Vegan food with flower of the botong tree or Barringtonia asiatica and mabolo fruit from the kamagong tree Diospyros discolor
goharibon: Vegan food with flower of the botong tree or Barringtonia asiatica and mabolo fruit from the kamagong tree Diospyros discolor