MarkWaidson: Moonlit Piazza (explored 28/10/16 #4)
MarkWaidson: Welcome to Venice
MarkWaidson: Nightfall in Venice
MarkWaidson: The Runner
MarkWaidson: Piazza San Marco (explored 15/11/16 #4)
Birdhouse camper: Dressed in black
vulture labs: London Fog
vulture labs: Under the bridge
vulture labs: Signature
nicolasemelien: PARIS - RUE SAINT-HONORÉ
nicolasemelien: MYRTILLE
Rohit KC Photography: Hangout Spot
Rohit KC Photography: Reaching for the Sky #2
Rohit KC Photography: Red Red Wine
jfraile (OFF/ON slowly): La sombra del ciclista es alargada
. Jianwei .: At Water St.
. Jianwei .: Good morning, Vancouver
. Jianwei .: The four of us
. Jianwei .: \|i|i|/
. Jianwei .: Vancouver Art Gallery
. Jianwei .: Belzberg Library
. Jianwei .: Remembrance Day
Stefan Sellmer: A walk in the dunes
Stefan Sellmer: Bathed with light