kris.bruland: raccoon butterflyfish: Chaetodon lunula
kris.bruland: raccoon butterflyfish: Chaetodon lunula
kris.bruland: raccoon butterflyfish: Chaetodon lunula
kris.bruland: palenose parrotfish: Scarus psittacus, with bullethead parrotfish: Chlorurus spilurus
kris.bruland: palenose parrotfish: Scarus psittacus, with bullethead parrotfish: Chlorurus spilurus
kris.bruland: blacksided hawkfish: Paracirrhites forsteri
kris.bruland: blacksided hawkfish: Paracirrhites forsteri
kris.bruland: bullethead parrotfish: Chlorurus spilurus
kris.bruland: bullethead parrotfish: Chlorurus spilurus
kris.bruland: bullethead parrotfish: Chlorurus spilurus
kris.bruland: bullethead parrotfish: Chlorurus spilurus
kris.bruland: orangespine unicornfish: Naso lituratus
kris.bruland: orangespine unicornfish: Naso lituratus
kris.bruland: yellow tang: Zebrasoma flavescens
kris.bruland: squarespot goatfish: Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
kris.bruland: squarespot goatfish: Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
kris.bruland: squarespot goatfish: Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
kris.bruland: squarespot goatfish: Mulloidichthys flavolineatus
kris.bruland: spotted pufferfish: Arothon meleagris
kris.bruland: fourspot butterflyfish: Chaetodon quadrimaculatus
kris.bruland: bluefin trevally: Caranx melampygus
kris.bruland: keeltail needlefish: Platybelone argalus
kris.bruland: keeltail needlefish: Platybelone argalus
kris.bruland: yellowmargin moray eel: Gymnothorax flavimarginatus
kris.bruland: yellowmargin moray eel: Gymnothorax flavimarginatus
kris.bruland: black triggerfish: Melichthys niger
kris.bruland: sailfin tang: Zebrasoma veliferum
kris.bruland: yellow tang: Zebrasoma flavescens
kris.bruland: yellow tang: Zebrasoma flavescens
kris.bruland: brown surgeonfish: Acanthurus nigrofuscus, with moorish idol: Zanclus cornutus