Fay Model: Saturday is car cleaning....
Fay Model: I didn't realise how exhausting shopping can be!
Fay Model: He said "wait by the red truck" and that was an hour ago!
Fay Model: Gelato... Cooling off in the heat!
Fay Model: The ride of my life!
Fay Model: Chic Biker Chick"
Fay Model: Damn! I dropped it again!
Fay Model: Alone! Crash Landed on a deserted island after a tour of duty!
Fay Model: Devil Girls Ride Out Of Hell!
Fay Model: Anyone wish to fill me up?
Fay Model: Desert Heat!!!!
Fay Model: Spin on it Boy! I parked first!!!!
Fay Model: Havana
Fay Model: Stike A Pose In Baja Norte!!
Fay Model: Early Morning Dilemma !!!!
Fay Model: Would you prefer a glass of wine or a can of coke?
Fay Model: Desert Raceway
Fay Model: Celebrity Status!
Fay Model: But officer I only left it for an hour to go shopping!!!
Fay Model: My Time Machine
Fay Model: In A Dark Place!!!
Fay Model: Maybe You Would Prefer Two Up!!!!
Fay Model: Riding American Easy Rider Style!
Fay Model: Have We Broken Down?
Fay Model: Cute But Deadly.....Make My Day! Or Get Off The Friggin' Track!!!
Fay Model: All Aboard The Last Train
Fay Model: So Rudolph Your With The Reindeer Union!!!
Fay Model: Waiting For A Passing Midnight Cowboy, I Can Guareantee A Warm Bed!!
Fay Model: Waiting For MyLift As My Car Is Busted!
Fay Model: Well My Ride Never Came!!!