jyotichandra: Toilet Paper Street Artist & Friend - DSC09964
jyotichandra: Toilet Paper Street Artist & Friend - DSC09960
jyotichandra: Women Behind Toilet Paper Installation DSC09943
jyotichandra: Acceleration - DSC09882
jyotichandra: Ball…Falling on the head...DSC09863
jyotichandra: Highest - DSC09859
jyotichandra: In or Out? DSC09856
jyotichandra: DSC06752BWSILVER
jyotichandra: The Dance Of Running - DSC00830
jyotichandra: The water kid & the gratitude's eyes - "Gratitude lives between beauty and purity." - Sri Chinmoy - DSC00472BN
jyotichandra: "Each human being is destined for a higher life. - Sri Chinmoy - DSC01331BW
jyotichandra: The sleeping dog and the thinking man - DSC02492
jyotichandra: Mauro Pagani Performs For The Barefoot March For Refugees in Milan
jyotichandra: Mauro Pagani Performs For The Barefoot March For Refugees in Milan
jyotichandra: The Barefoot March For Refugees in Milan
jyotichandra: Alternative Video Reporter @ The Barefoot March For Refugees in Milan
jyotichandra: Safety Car @ March For Refugees in Milan
jyotichandra: Police @ The Barefoot March For Refugees in Milan
jyotichandra: Mayor Pisapia & Lella Costa - Milano
jyotichandra: Unicredit Tower - View From Below The Canopy
jyotichandra: Lan Kwai Fong? No It's Milano Fashion Week!
jyotichandra: Rowing in Naviglio Grande - Milano
jyotichandra: The Last Rowing
jyotichandra: Bike Millésime
jyotichandra: Cyber Vintage
jyotichandra: Eco Dandy
jyotichandra: Young Dandy Bike Girl
jyotichandra: Time In The Mirror
jyotichandra: Air In The Mirror
jyotichandra: Concrete Spears