隆大爺: Calm Mountain,Roaring creek.
隆大爺: Creek Roaring after Typhoon Dujuan
隆大爺: Waterfall Ka-yo-fon
隆大爺: Waterfall Ka-yo-fon
隆大爺: Downstream of Waterfall Ka-yo-fon
隆大爺: 早安大武山!!(Good morning DaWu Mt.)
隆大爺: Have a nice vocation!!
隆大爺: Butterfly love flowers but I love bokeh.
隆大爺: 20151008 I see you.
隆大爺: DSCF5040
隆大爺: Kayofon Waterfall/2015/10/08
隆大爺: This is my way....
隆大爺: I have six eyes.
隆大爺: What I look like?
隆大爺: Can she fly?Yes,She can.
隆大爺: Travel Among Green
隆大爺: Green Tunnel
隆大爺: DSCF5454
隆大爺: May God Bless this child!!
隆大爺: Kayofon Waterfall,卡悠峰瀑布
隆大爺: Kayofon Waterfall
隆大爺: Ideopsis similis
隆大爺: DSCF5530
隆大爺: DSCF5538
隆大爺: DSCF5548
隆大爺: 紅腹鹿子蛾 Euchromia elegantissima formosana
隆大爺: 紅腹鹿子蛾 Euchromia elegantissima formosana
隆大爺: DSCF5580
隆大爺: I Like it . (Macroglossum heliophila)
隆大爺: Time to go home!!