besson (catching up): Untitled (12)
besson (catching up): Untitled (28)
besson (catching up): Untitled (43)
besson (catching up): Untitled (44)
besson (catching up): Untitled (4)
besson (catching up): Untitled (5)
besson (catching up): The Lighting, although co-incidental, is unique
besson (catching up): Untitled (52)
besson (catching up): Untitled (53)
besson (catching up): Untitled (54)
besson (catching up): Untitled (55)
besson (catching up): Untitled (52)
besson (catching up): Untitled (5)
besson (catching up): Nowadays Scottish music and dances attract more pidgeons than French audience even in the most prominent cultural centre in Paris despite their strong historical ties
besson (catching up): Untitled (16)
besson (catching up): Untitled (25)
besson (catching up): Reading a letter or something under the Sun
besson (catching up): The Ceiling of a Department Store in Paris
besson (catching up): A Depatment Store in Paris
besson (catching up): Untitled (2)
besson (catching up): Taken in France
besson (catching up): Untitled (29)