gravesVpelli: 'Red Square in Moscow' by Fedor Alekseev
gravesVpelli: 'View of the Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg' by Fedor Alekseev (1753-1824)
gravesVpelli: ' The New Maiden Convent in Moscow' by Apollinari Vasnetsov (1856-1933)
gravesVpelli: ' Lakhta, the Suburbs of St. Petersburg' by Julius Klever (1850-1924)
gravesVpelli: 'La cathédrale Pétropavlovsk' (the Cathedral of Saint Peter and Paul) by Felix Vallotton
gravesVpelli: 'View of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg' by Fedor Alekseev
gravesVpelli: 'Moonlight on the Neva' by Lev Lagorio
gravesVpelli: 'View of the Neva from the Winter Palace' by Alexander Beggrov (1841-1914)
gravesVpelli: 'The Neva Embankment' by Maxim Vorobyov (1787-1855)
gravesVpelli: 'St Isaac's Cathedral' by Maxim Vorobyov (1787-1855)
gravesVpelli: A View of St. Petersburg' by Alexander Beggrov (1841-1914)
gravesVpelli: 'Fire at the Winter Palace on 17 December 1837' by Pierre Marie Joseph Vernet (1797-1873)
gravesVpelli: Moonlit Night in St. Petersburg' by Maxim Vorobyov (1787-1855)
gravesVpelli: 'View of the Moscow Kremlin' by Maxim Vorobyov (Russian 1787-1855)
gravesVpelli: 'Raising of Columns to St Isaac's Cathedral' by Maxim Vorobyov (Russian 1787-1855)
gravesVpelli: 'Moscow Backyards' by Abram Efimovich Arkhipov (Russian 1862-1930)
gravesVpelli: 'Leningrad' by Osip Braz (Russian 1873-1936)
gravesVpelli: 'The Motherland' by Nikolai Nikanorovich Dubovskoy (Russian 1859-1918)
gravesVpelli: 'St Basil's Cathedral in Winter' by Nikolai Dubovskoy (Russian 1859-1918)
gravesVpelli: 'Near Coast of Gulf of Finland ' by Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (1832-1898)
gravesVpelli: 'Near Coast of Gulf of Finland' by Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (1832-1898)
gravesVpelli: 'View of the Palace Sea-front From the Fortress of St. Peter and Paul' by Fedor Yakovlevich Alekseev
gravesVpelli: 'The Embankment in St Petersburg' by Lev Lagorio
gravesVpelli: 'View of Moscow Near the Iversky Gate of the Kremlin' by Fedor Alekseev (1753-1824)
gravesVpelli: 'Noon, View near Moscow' by Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (1832-1898)
gravesVpelli: 'The Outskirts of Moscow, November 1941' by Alexander Deineka (1899-1969)