Tangled Bank:
Cold War era diving and underwater equipment 2657
Tangled Bank:
North Vietnamese Army weapons 2659
Tangled Bank:
Osama bin Laden compound 2667
Tangled Bank:
Osama bin Laden compound 2668
Tangled Bank:
Pegasus two-man underwater propulsion device from the Cold War era 2656
Tangled Bank:
Piece of the old World Trade Center 2672
Tangled Bank:
SEALS in the desert 2660
Tangled Bank:
The SEAL Trident 2662
Tangled Bank:
Viet Cong or North Vietnamese Army, I'm not sure which, diorama 2658
Tangled Bank:
MH60K Black Hawk and your photographer 2685
Tangled Bank:
Rescue of Captain Richard Phillips from Somali pirates off the coast of Africa -- information 2679
Tangled Bank:
Bored kids at Dallas - Ft. Worth waiting to go home to the Land of the Rising Sun 3983 (2)
Tangled Bank:
Japanese airport cafeteria lunch -- Miso soup, salad, Chinese soba, fried fish and hot tea 3985
Tangled Bank:
Homo sapiens and Carcharocles megalodon 4039
Tangled Bank:
Antique letter writing desk -- there is a name for it but I've forgotten 2836
Tangled Bank:
Antique piano
Tangled Bank:
Christy Minstrels sheet music 2827
Tangled Bank:
Grandfather Clock 2828
Tangled Bank:
Grandfather Clock face detail 2829
Tangled Bank:
In the music parlor 2838
Tangled Bank:
Looking back to the main entrance hall 2837
Tangled Bank:
Old Dog Tray sheet music 2831
Tangled Bank:
Stephen Foster portrait 2830
Tangled Bank:
The Old Plantation Home 2820
Tangled Bank:
This 97 tubular bell carillon tower plays Stephen Foster songs over and over again whether you like it or not 2824
Tangled Bank:
Way down upon de S'wanee Ribber diorama (Don't blame me) 2825
Tangled Bank:
Antique Paul von Janko keyboard piano 2856
Tangled Bank:
Antique piano 2853
Tangled Bank:
Antique piano 2855
Tangled Bank:
Antique piano with fire extinquisher 2841