Sit-in demonstration, 1970 April 23, #Prot02, image courtesy of James Madison University Special Collections.
Students under arrest after demonstration, 1970 April 26, #prot01, image courtesy of James Madison University Special Collections.
Unity March, 1988 January 18, #Kingml851, image courtesy of James Madison University Special Collections.
Demonstrators picket in front of the White House in support of Civil Rights, March 1965. Oliver F. Atkins photograph collection, C0036, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.
Protesters outside of the White House urging President Johnson to respond to "Bloody Sunday" violence in Selma, Alabama, March 1965. Oliver F. Atkins photograph collection, C0036, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.
Marchers, many carrying signs, during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, August 28, 1963. Oliver F. Atkins photograph collection, C0036, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.
"Votes for Women" pennant, undated. League of Women Voters of the Fairfax area records, C0031, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.
Voting window poster, date unknown. League of Women Voters of the Fairfax area records, C0031, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.
James Farmer addressing Farmer Scholars, from the James L. Farmer Collection, image courtesy of Special Collections and University Archives, Simpson Library, University of Mary Washington.
Mary Washington students join protest at 2nd Annual Women’s March on Washington, photo by Allison Tovey for Blue & Gray Press, February 1, 2018, image courtesy of Special Collections and University Archives, Simpson Library, University of Mary Washington.
March to End the War in Vietnam, 1969, from the Centennial Image Collection, photograph by Dan Dervin, image courtesy of Special Collections and University Archives, Simpson Library, University of Mary Washington.
Mary Washington students participate in the student strike of 1970, from the Centennial Image Collection, photograph by Dan Dervin, image courtesy of Special Collections and University Archives, Simpson Library, University of Mary Washington.
Anti-Vietnam War activist pin-back button, 1960s-70s. Visual Studies Collection, Library of Virginia. CC BY
Bonus Army protestors leave Fort Hunt, Virginia, May 22, 1933. Visual Studies Collection, Library of Virginia. CC BY
"The Street Car Co. Here 'Busted,'" The Richmond Planet, July 23 1904. Virginia Newspaper Project, Library of Virginia.
Hugh Lynn and Edgar Cayce, Gladys Davis, and Hastings family, Empire State Building, 1934, image courtesy of Edgar Cayce Foundation.
R-MC students were among the many demonstrators marching in solidarity for women's rights at Rally for Life 1990 in Washington, DC.
Photograph of civil rights leaders Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King…at Virginia Union University, September 1963, Scott L. Henderson - photographer, from the Records of University Public Relations, image courtesy of Virginia Union University
"The Second National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights, 1987 (photographs by Neal Parsons). Mss1 P9425a FA2, The Proctor-Burns Collection, 1850-2019, image courtesy of the Virginia Museum of History and Culture. "
Sketch for Loudoun County Citizens for Nuclear Disarmament Banner Design drawn by artist Dagmar Wilson, image courtesy of Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA
Flyer "You've Got It... USE IT! VOTE," M306, Richmond Crusade for Voters Collection, image courtesy of James Branch Cabell Library, Virginia Commonwealth University
BG Wilma Vaught holding poster advocating for the creation of the Military Women's Memorial with President Gerald Ford and Helen Jeffrey, Military Women's Memorial Foundation Collection, photo by Art Garrison.
Candlelight March October 18, 1997 at Dedication of Military Women's Memorial, Military Women's Memorial Foundation Collection
Ribbon Cutting on Dedication Day, October 18, 1997, at the Military Women's Memorial, Military Women's Memorial Collection
Nurses with the Instructive Visiting Nurses Association. Image courtesy of VCU Health Sciences Library, Special Collections and Archives, M 90.Feb.7
Desegregation march in Danville, June 10, 1963. Danville Civil Rights protesters practice nonviolent resistance to local and state authorities, 1963. Image courtesy of the Library of Virginia
Danville Civil Rights protesters practice nonviolent resistance to local and state authorities, 1963. Image courtesy of the Library of Virginia