Julia Casa: héron décollage marais 2
Julia Casa: oies cendrees
Julia Casa: conflit buse-aigrette 1
Jean-Luc Foucret: Grèbe huppé ( Podiceps cristatus - Great Crested Grebe )
Jean-Luc Foucret: Martin-pêcheur d'Europe femelle juvénile (Alcedo atthis - Common Kingfisher )
Rick Cleland: Common Loon A6561
romain.roxy: IMG_0560_DxO
Ledesma Foto: Regard de barbe blanche
Steve Arena: Atlantic Puffin / Lundi (Fratercula arctica)
Paul's Mix: Blackbird & Fledgling
Anton Farm: Ωχροστριτσίδα, υπολαίς η ωχρά (Hippolais pallida)
Ken Cheng Photography: Yellow-headed Blackbird in flight
wn_j: Green Heron
rvk82: Birds of Prey - Warwick Castle
ColonelParker: Bempton Cliffs 12.05.23_6
markus.jacobs1899: Blue Rock-Thrush
andy_harris62: Kestrel in spring wildflowers
Jayney R: Duckling
EFD-fotolab: 111/2023 - “Abubilla alimentando a su cria” (Upupa epops).
Robert Fredagsvik - Norway: Storfugl - Tiur - Capercaillie
SDRPhoto321: In the Grass
Nanard VASSEL: Là, il nous engueule le pèpère !!!!
gilgit2: Pied Wheatear (Oenanthe pleschanka)
Christophe Mercier: Bécasseau sanderling (Calidris alba)
billbigfish: Morning stretches!
Jeluba: Common Eider (Somateria mollissima)
Tj & Jo: Sharp-tailed Grouse.
Pawel Wietecha: Winter food search