imari3421: granite08
imari3421: granite12
imari3421: granite5
imari3421: credenza
imari3421: flowers and cherries
imari3421: apple tree 04
imari3421: flowers passing through kitchen from watering and repotting
imari3421: apple tree dec 18 2
imari3421: water color by BIW Jim and photos from DH and
imari3421: apple tree 03
imari3421: kitchen showing cork floors
imari3421: kitchen with natural light and flash
imari3421: kitchen 2 with color correction
imari3421: kitchen
imari3421: kitchen without color correction
imari3421: another view
imari3421: another view without flash
imari3421: painting for new kitchen
imari3421: painting by Carolyn Haney
imari3421: kitchen almost finished
imari3421: backsplash with handforged copper servers to be hung up
imari3421: glass cabinets and cabinets over sink
imari3421: new granite and tumbled marble with French tavel
imari3421: granite10