Garter Blue: The night shift
Garter Blue: Almost dawn
Garter Blue: Morning star at Bedlay
Garter Blue: Off to work
Garter Blue: Morning coal
Garter Blue: Nearly there
Garter Blue: Colliery dusk
Garter Blue: Snowbound at Wheldale
Garter Blue: Dawn at Wheldale
Garter Blue: Ready for work
Garter Blue: Dawn at Wheldale
Garter Blue: Merry Christmas!
Garter Blue: Freezing at Wheldale
Garter Blue: Struggling with the last load
Garter Blue: Trip to Fryston pit
Garter Blue: Last duties
Garter Blue: Colliery twilight
Garter Blue: Cadley Hill sunset
Garter Blue: Cadley Hill No.1
Garter Blue: Cadley Hill 65