bjb 4-12-09: Sarah serving up pumpkin or pecan pies. Delicious.
bjb 4-12-09: turkey light and dark, homemade rolls
bjb 4-12-09: mashed potatoes and gravy
bjb 4-12-09: Marcia distributing presents
bjb 4-12-09: John enjoying his pie
bjb 4-12-09: dressing with sage-or not, deviled eggs, homemade pickles
bjb 4-12-09: Devin and Aidan listening to Marcia - Copy (2)
bjb 4-12-09: brussels sprouts, cranberry-orange relish, sweet potatoes, green beans. YUM
bjb 4-12-09: A sorry blurry photo, but rather sweet anyway--Hannah and Ben
bjb 4-12-09: a lovely, festive table with homemade grape jelly, pumpkin butter, and pear jam. YUM again.