bjb 4-12-09: Birds in Englewood
bjb 4-12-09: Birds in park
bjb 4-12-09: Barb in Mango coffee shop
bjb 4-12-09: Tom in Mango coffee shop
bjb 4-12-09: Tom in front of Mango
bjb 4-12-09: Mango coffee shop
bjb 4-12-09: Englewood library
bjb 4-12-09: Lemon Bay, house on Harbor
bjb 4-12-09: Tom on palm-lined street
bjb 4-12-09: Lemon Bay sign
bjb 4-12-09: Compadre's sign
bjb 4-12-09: Barb in front of Compadre's
bjb 4-12-09: Metts' house
bjb 4-12-09: Bedroom in Metts' house
bjb 4-12-09: Living Room
bjb 4-12-09: Kitchen
bjb 4-12-09: Noah's Ark jig saw puzzle
bjb 4-12-09: Orchids in pool area of house
bjb 4-12-09: pool at Metts' house
bjb 4-12-09: Sunlight on Englewood Beach
bjb 4-12-09: Englewood Beach
bjb 4-12-09: Englewood Beach
bjb 4-12-09: Annie and Zeba - Kristin's feet
bjb 4-12-09: Lucy, Liz, Kristin
bjb 4-12-09: Isabel on her 7th birthday
bjb 4-12-09: Olivia and Autumn
bjb 4-12-09: Kristin and Ken
bjb 4-12-09: Micah and Lucy
bjb 4-12-09: Ken and Dan
bjb 4-12-09: Olivia, Lucy, Ken, Kristin