bardwellpeter: Looking the other way...
bardwellpeter: The Drawing Rooms
bardwellpeter: Opening soon - The Drawing Rooms
bardwellpeter: Different priorities
bardwellpeter: Where did everyone go?
bardwellpeter: Sperlonga old town and harbour
bardwellpeter: St Michael Coslany - after restoration
bardwellpeter: Alice - 3
bardwellpeter: Alice - 2
bardwellpeter: In a city churchyard
bardwellpeter: Bench for two
bardwellpeter: Etruscan tombs, Tarquinia 1
bardwellpeter: Etruscan tombs, Tarquinia 2
bardwellpeter: Etruscan tombs, Tarquinia 3
bardwellpeter: City gates, and the sea
bardwellpeter: Tarquinia 1
bardwellpeter: Overlooked
bardwellpeter: Tarquinia 2
bardwellpeter: Palazzo Communale
bardwellpeter: Tarquinia
bardwellpeter: Coimbra, on a September evening
bardwellpeter: Peonies - 14 June
bardwellpeter: February flier
bardwellpeter: Traces of us
bardwellpeter: Galleria Borghese - museum and art gallery
bardwellpeter: Universal appeal...
bardwellpeter: The facade of San Pancrazio
bardwellpeter: Little pieces of history...
bardwellpeter: Inside San Pancrazio