bardwellpeter: Norwich Cathedral - all lit up!
bardwellpeter: Gorgeous fan vaulting, with some of the one thousand roof bosses
bardwellpeter: The Cathedra in the Cathedral
bardwellpeter: The choir
bardwellpeter: Shadows of the Wanderer, by Ana Maria Pacheco (2008)
bardwellpeter: Recycling in action
bardwellpeter: Royal Norfolk Regiment Chapel, by night
bardwellpeter: Battle honours
bardwellpeter: Green man - ceiling boss
bardwellpeter: Ceiling boss
bardwellpeter: Nightime out in the cathedral cloisters
bardwellpeter: The Hostry, at Norwich's Anglican cathedral, by night
bardwellpeter: Boss Lady
bardwellpeter: In front of the cathedral's west door
bardwellpeter: The west door
bardwellpeter: The west door
bardwellpeter: Saint Benedict, by David Holgate
bardwellpeter: The Hostry, at Norwich's Anglican cathedral, by day
bardwellpeter: Nurse Cavell's grave
bardwellpeter: Shaping up very nicely
bardwellpeter: Cathedral view
bardwellpeter: Wedding dilemma
bardwellpeter: St John the Baptist
bardwellpeter: St John the Baptist
bardwellpeter: St John the Baptist
bardwellpeter: St John the Baptist
bardwellpeter: St Giles on the Hill
bardwellpeter: St Giles - the tower
bardwellpeter: St Giles, with wisteria in bloom
bardwellpeter: St Giles