bardwellpeter: Formerly the grand entrance, today used for deliveries!
bardwellpeter: Helpful signage
bardwellpeter: Charles 1st, coat of arms
bardwellpeter: Tranquil courtyard
bardwellpeter: "Freisan calf", bronze displayed in the inner courtyard - by Sally Arnup, 1996
bardwellpeter: Gateway, King's Manor
bardwellpeter: Gateway, King's Manor
bardwellpeter: Refectory steps
bardwellpeter: Stairway to the 17th century Refectory
bardwellpeter: Some you can't save
bardwellpeter: Leaving the refectory
bardwellpeter: Remodelled hallway
bardwellpeter: Previous uses, text and braille
bardwellpeter: Centre for Medieval studies
bardwellpeter: Centre for Medieval studies
bardwellpeter: Entranceway niches
bardwellpeter: P1020662-21
bardwellpeter: P1020664-31