bardwellpeter: Holy Trinity, York
bardwellpeter: Holy Trinity, York
bardwellpeter: Holy Trinity, Goodramgate York
bardwellpeter: Mayoral board - in the church of the Holy Trinity
bardwellpeter: Holy Trinity, York
bardwellpeter: Holy Trinity, York
bardwellpeter: Altar rail - Holy Trinity, Goodramgate, York
bardwellpeter: The hagioscope - Holy Trinity, Goodramgate
bardwellpeter: Holy Trinity, York
bardwellpeter: Holy Trinity, York
bardwellpeter: Holy Trinity, York
bardwellpeter: Box pews and double-height pulpit
bardwellpeter: Some of the conservation work at Holy Trinity, York
bardwellpeter: In protective custody - Holy Trinity, Goodramgate
bardwellpeter: Churches Conservation Trust leaflets - Holy Trinity