bardwellpeter: Final (?) pair - 2 of 2
bardwellpeter: Final (?) pair - 2 of 2
bardwellpeter: 1901 Norwich arms, on Skipper's bank - Red Lion Street
bardwellpeter: Half a century ago...
bardwellpeter: St Benedicts, Norwich
bardwellpeter: i'scream, you'scream..
bardwellpeter: Art in Pottergate. Norwich
bardwellpeter: Regilded
bardwellpeter: Tram rosettes
bardwellpeter: Tram rosettes, Norwich - St Giles Street
bardwellpeter: Tram rosettes, Norwich
bardwellpeter: Tram rosettes, St Giles, Norwich
bardwellpeter: Tram rosettes, Norwich - on the St Giles House Hotel
bardwellpeter: Tram rosettes, Norwich - on the St Giles House Hotel
bardwellpeter: Tram rosettes, Norwich - on the St Giles House Hotel
bardwellpeter: Norwich Electric Tramway
bardwellpeter: Norwich Electric Tramway
bardwellpeter: Window shopping
bardwellpeter: Filling an empty frame
bardwellpeter: Tram rosettes, Norwich - the Mash Tun
bardwellpeter: Easily distracted
bardwellpeter: Between Rose Lane and POW Road, Norwich
bardwellpeter: Former NatWest...