bardwellpeter: Blink and you'll miss it
bardwellpeter: The Singer Court chimney
bardwellpeter: The Singer Court chimney
bardwellpeter: Front of the former King's Head pub - St. George's St
bardwellpeter: Rear of the former King's Head pub - St. George's St
bardwellpeter: Norwich mural by Muretz...
bardwellpeter: Another chimney
bardwellpeter: Lost riverside pub - the Anchor Stores as was
bardwellpeter: Thatch on the 'Old Rosemary Tavern'
bardwellpeter: Thatch on the 'Old Rosemary Tavern' (2)
bardwellpeter: The 'Old Rosemary Tavern'
bardwellpeter: Thatch on the 'Old Rosemary Tavern' (1)
bardwellpeter: A sorrowful Magpie, on Magpie Road
bardwellpeter: Tower uncovered during work on city walls
bardwellpeter: Staff of Life
bardwellpeter: A ghost's lost meaning?
bardwellpeter: Gurney Court
bardwellpeter: Elizabeth Fry plaque - Gurney Court
bardwellpeter: Harriet Martineau plaque - Gurney Court
bardwellpeter: Gurney Court - Hubert's family home from 1893 to 1903
bardwellpeter: Gurney Court
bardwellpeter: Duke of Marlborough
bardwellpeter: No Bull - lost pub, Magdalen Street
bardwellpeter: The former "Jack of Newbury"
bardwellpeter: Once the Golden Dog
bardwellpeter: Sunday lunch at the Golden Star
bardwellpeter: Sunday lunch at the Golden Star
bardwellpeter: Bollard at North End of St Clement's Alley, adjoining Colegate
bardwellpeter: Rear of the St Clement's Alley bollard
bardwellpeter: White Lion Yard and pub, Jacquard club