nature studies:
Balance Sun
nature studies:
Rock Face
nature studies:
Brazos Mountains
nature studies:
Chimney Rock at the Ghost Ranch
nature studies:
Ghost Ranch van and mesa
nature studies:
nature studies:
Colorado highway
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nature studies:
Reflections on San Luis
nature studies:
Orphan Mesa corralled
nature studies:
Alone in the New Mexican desert
nature studies:
City Slicker cabin
nature studies:
City Slicker cabin and ghost
nature studies:
Milky Way and Taylors
nature studies:
Echo Ampitheater at night
nature studies:
Milky Way over Heron Lake
nature studies:
Star trails at Echo Ampitheater
nature studies:
Campsite at night
nature studies:
Tay and Dad
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nature studies:
nature studies:
Flowering cholla
nature studies:
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher carring food
nature studies:
Cliff Swallow nests on Rio Chama walls
nature studies:
Hairy Woodpecker
nature studies:
American Kestrel carrying food
nature studies:
American Kestrel carrying food
nature studies:
American Kestrel at active nest
nature studies:
Least Chipmunk