Nick Vidal-Hall:
Flapper friends
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Hammer beam and truss
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Evening out
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Taking a bow
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Confetti storm
Nick Vidal-Hall:
20s style
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Serene strength
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Behind the bar
Nick Vidal-Hall:
On stage III
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Preparing to go on
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Purple Duchess
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Elastic band bag and rope
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Mirror mirror on the wall
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Nick Vidal-Hall:
The booth hall
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Double vision
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Harmony and discord
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Tudor highlights
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Just a twinkle
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Good music and company
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Open mic
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Gothic charm
Nick Vidal-Hall:
In the eyes
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Becki II
Nick Vidal-Hall:
Robin Shaw III