waynebutton661: "Do not feed the Hawgs!" 19/07/16
waynebutton661: A-10c 79-122/KC "442ndFW" 303rdFS/442ndFW AFRC based at Whiteman AFB, Missouri. Callsign, "Hawg03" is seen getting airbourne from RWY14. 19/0716
waynebutton661: "Running break"
waynebutton661: A-10c 79-122/KC "442ndFW" 303rdFS/442ndFW AFRC based at Whiteman AFB, Mssouri. is seen taxiing back to park. 19/07/16
waynebutton661: A close-up of the boss birds tail... 19/07/16
waynebutton661: A-10c 79-122/KC "442ndFW" 303rdFS/442ndFW AFRC based at Whiteman AFB, Mssouri. is seen taxiing back to park. 19/07/16
waynebutton661: A-10c 78-605/KC 303rdFS/442ndFW based at Whiteman AFB, Missouri. is seen taxiing back to park, after landing on RWY14. 19/04/16
waynebutton661: Awesome!! Note: The "911, Let's Roll" Badge.
waynebutton661: A-10c 79-152/KC 303rdFS/442ndFW based at Whiteman AFB, Missouri. is seen taxiing back to park, after landing on RWY14. 19/04/16
waynebutton661: A-10c 79-090/KC 303rdFS/442ndFW based at Whiteman AFB, Missouri. is seen taxiing back to park, after landing on RWY14. 19/04/16
waynebutton661: The elusive BN-2T-4S Defender ZG995 651 Sqn Army Air Corps, based at Odiham. The Defender's primary role is that of ISTAR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance) with COMINT (COMmunications INTelligence)
waynebutton661: A-10c 79-123/KC 303rdFS/442ndFW based at Whiteman AFB, Missouri. is seen taxiing to RWY34. Note: The "remove before flight" tags, from this armed Hawg!. 19/04/16
waynebutton661: Pairs taxing back to park from RWY14, 79-122 and 80-281. 19/07/16
waynebutton661: A-10c 79-122/KC "442ndFW" 303rdFS/442ndFW based at Whiteman AFB, Missouri. The boss bird is seen banking left base for RWY14. 19/04/16
waynebutton661: "The business end of the Hawg!" Just got to love the 30mm GAU-8 Avenger gun!
waynebutton661: A-10c 79-123/KC 303rdFS/442ndFW based at Whiteman AFB, Missouri. is seen taxiing back to park, after landing on RWY14. 19/04/16
waynebutton661: A-10c 80-281/KC 303rdFS/442ndFW based at Whiteman AFB, Missouri. is seen lifting off from RWY14. 19/04/16
waynebutton661: A-10c 79-122/KC "442ndFW" 303rdFS/442ndFW AFRC based at Whiteman AFB, Mssouri. is seen taxiing back to park. 19/07/16