hung-hive 2: DSC_7864
hung-hive 2: 鯵・鰯のお造り
hung-hive 2: ハリイカとタラコの和え物
hung-hive 2: DSC_7851
hung-hive 2: 豚バラ唐揚げ
hung-hive 2: 豚バラ唐揚げ四味薬味かけ
hung-hive 2: DSC_7061
hung-hive 2: キスとサゴシのアクアパッツァ
hung-hive 2: キスとサゴシのアクアパッツァ
hung-hive 2: 小松菜とアサリのワイン蒸し
hung-hive 2: 舌ヒラメの煮付け
hung-hive 2: ペテンダック
hung-hive 2: ペテンダッグ
hung-hive 2: ペテンダッグ
hung-hive 2: ナスとトマトのサラダ
hung-hive 2: 本日の献立
hung-hive 2: cook and eat it
hung-hive 2: cook and eat it
hung-hive 2: cook and eat it
hung-hive 2: cook and eat it
hung-hive 2: cook and eat it
hung-hive 2: cook and eat it
hung-hive 2: cook and eat it
hung-hive 2: cook and eat it
hung-hive 2: cook and eat it
hung-hive 2: cook and eat it
hung-hive 2: cook and eat it
hung-hive 2: cook and eat it