f8shutterbug: Loon chick hitching a ride
f8shutterbug: Snowflakes? Looks like snowballs to me.
f8shutterbug: sock collage
f8shutterbug: MyFlickrYear2023 Photo
f8shutterbug: water droplets on apple
f8shutterbug: Let there be electronic flash
f8shutterbug: pathway
f8shutterbug: Horizon - it's like this in almost every direction
f8shutterbug: tree angles
f8shutterbug: unused but not new...
f8shutterbug: A few of my favourite books
f8shutterbug: DANGER
f8shutterbug: Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
f8shutterbug: Photo bomb
f8shutterbug: Christmas candy smiley
f8shutterbug: To ensure the best performance from your camera...
f8shutterbug: red dots
f8shutterbug: Amaryllis collage
f8shutterbug: Christmas collage mix- 2022 & 2023
f8shutterbug: familiar
f8shutterbug: Christmas tree lights and decorations
f8shutterbug: B&W bow
f8shutterbug: Amaryllis - about one week after planting
f8shutterbug: amaryllis - 10 days after potting
f8shutterbug: the same Amaryllis today
f8shutterbug: B&W and yellow flower
f8shutterbug: Getting closer to the way it was...
f8shutterbug: busy day on the job site - 4 cranes in use at the same time
f8shutterbug: Junk drawer