Andre's fotocarrousel: Cuban photo model (74)
Andre's fotocarrousel: Man in the window (82)
Andre's fotocarrousel: Knokke weg naar strandbar
Andre's fotocarrousel: Rozenkust - Bretagne
Andre's fotocarrousel: Ché Guevara's house (72)
Andre's fotocarrousel: Oldtimer jumped out of the photo
Andre's fotocarrousel: Sneeuwklokjes in Egenhovenbos (B)
Andre's fotocarrousel: Giethoorn (Holland)-8
Andre's fotocarrousel: MSC Opera Navigates out 2
Andre's fotocarrousel: Relaxing in front of the East River NY (188)
Andre's fotocarrousel: Cienfuegos houses
Andre's fotocarrousel: Crossing the street