flinty47: First bloom🌺
flinty47: Bee's knees
flinty47: First flowers of spring!
flinty47: Do you like butter?
flinty47: Making his rounds
flinty47: Before the bloom🌺
flinty47: Mornings dew drops
flinty47: Baby bee?
flinty47: Summertime
flinty47: Lemon lights
flinty47: Unknown insect, a friendly little fellow. Only approx. 1/2".
flinty47: 🐞
flinty47: After the Bloom!
flinty47: Unknown insect
flinty47: Bliss
flinty47: Silver wishes
flinty47: Then came their color 🔵
flinty47: Flight of the yellow jacket
flinty47: Fun in the garden with my grandson 😊
flinty47: Nap time
flinty47: 🐝Finally got a half decent pic of a bumblebee! They've only started coming around this week! 🐝
flinty47: Honeybee!
flinty47: Rocket rose
flinty47: Perfection of nature!
flinty47: Wonder what kind of insect this is?