tama soto ʕ・ω・ʔ: Danielle & the Cat
tama soto ʕ・ω・ʔ: Wrapped up like a mummy, lol
tama soto ʕ・ω・ʔ: Look who's here!
tama soto ʕ・ω・ʔ: There she is!
tama soto ʕ・ω・ʔ: So many layers of colors...
tama soto ʕ・ω・ʔ: Feeling right at home!
tama soto ʕ・ω・ʔ: Without her antlers
tama soto ʕ・ω・ʔ: With her antlers
tama soto ʕ・ω・ʔ: Daydreaming...
tama soto ʕ・ω・ʔ: What do you want, kitten?
tama soto ʕ・ω・ʔ: Indoor picnic
tama soto ʕ・ω・ʔ: New daydreaming spot?
tama soto ʕ・ω・ʔ: This could be the best reading spot so far
tama soto ʕ・ω・ʔ: Danielle & the Cat
tama soto ʕ・ω・ʔ: Danielle & the Cat
tama soto ʕ・ω・ʔ: Danielle & the Cat
tama soto ʕ・ω・ʔ: Danielle & the Cat