jgokoepke: Bizarre Muschel
jgokoepke: two peacock feathers or "le chat noir"
jgokoepke: Peacock feather
jgokoepke: Mosquito
jgokoepke: Snail shells
jgokoepke: Mediterranean Snail II
jgokoepke: Cretean Snail
jgokoepke: Mediterranean Snail II
jgokoepke: Cretean Snail
jgokoepke: Mediterranean Snail II
jgokoepke: Three Nautilus shells
jgokoepke: Nautilus X-Ray Energy HDR
jgokoepke: Nautilus X-Ray Energy HDR
jgokoepke: Nautilus shell 3D Digital X-ray Photo tilted beam
jgokoepke: Nautilus shell 3D Digital X-ray Photo tilted beam
jgokoepke: Nautilus shell 3D Digital X-ray Photo
jgokoepke: Energy difference X-ray photo of a Nautilus shell
jgokoepke: Energy difference X-ray fusion photo of a Nautilus shell
jgokoepke: Nautilus shell digital fusion X-ray photo
jgokoepke: Tilted Nautilus digital X-ray photo
jgokoepke: Shells fusion X-ray photo
jgokoepke: Shells fusion X-ray photo
jgokoepke: Whole unsplit Nautilus shell digital X-ray photo
jgokoepke: Nautilus shell CT scan
jgokoepke: Nautilus shell VRT CT scan photo
jgokoepke: CT scan Nautilus shell VRT coronal view
jgokoepke: Tip of a mammoth tusk CT scan VRT photo
jgokoepke: Mammoth molar CT scan coronal plane photo
jgokoepke: Mammoth molar CT scan VRT photo
jgokoepke: Nautilus spiral X-ray fusion photo