sianmatthews: Cotgrave Forest
sianmatthews: Cotgrave Forest
sianmatthews: Fagus sylvatica (Beech)
sianmatthews: Cotgrave Forest
sianmatthews: Cotgrave Forest - recently replanted
sianmatthews: Carex pendula (Pendulous Sedge)
sianmatthews: Cotgrave Forest
sianmatthews: Cotgrave Forest
sianmatthews: Cotgrave Forest-2
sianmatthews: Cotgrave Forest-3
sianmatthews: Cirsium eriophorum (Woolly Thistle) leaf
sianmatthews: Cirsium eriophorum (Woolly Thistle) leaf underside
sianmatthews: Cirsium eriophorum (Woolly Thistle)
sianmatthews: Cotgrave Forest-4
sianmatthews: Cirsium eriophorum (Woolly Thistle) - flower
sianmatthews: Cirsium eriophorum (Woolly Thistle)
sianmatthews: Cirsium eriophorum (Woolly Thistle) - habitat
sianmatthews: Cirsium eriophorum (Woolly Thistle)-2
sianmatthews: Elymus caninus (Bearded Couch)
sianmatthews: Cotgrave Forest
sianmatthews: Cotgrave Forest
sianmatthews: Clinopodium vulgare (Wild Basil) - habitat
sianmatthews: Clinopodium vulgare (Wild Basil)
sianmatthews: Trifolium medium (Zigzag Clover) - habit and habitat
sianmatthews: Trifolium medium (Zigzag Clover) - Stipule and Leaf
sianmatthews: Trifolium medium (Zigzag Clover)
sianmatthews: Trifolium medium (Zigzag Clover)
sianmatthews: Trisetum flavescens (Yellow Oat-grass)