sianmatthews: Ulex europaeus (Gorse)
sianmatthews: Anemone nemorosa (Windflower)
sianmatthews: Hyacinthoides non-scripta (Bluebell)
sianmatthews: Hyacinthoides non-scripta (English Bluebell)
sianmatthews: Gagea lutea - the green side
sianmatthews: Gagea lutea
sianmatthews: Gagea lutea (close up)
sianmatthews: Last year's thing
sianmatthews: Mercurialis perennis (Dog's Mercury)
sianmatthews: Ulmus procera (English Elm)
sianmatthews: Trent Valley SK74
sianmatthews: Trent Valley
sianmatthews: Stellaria holostea (Greater Stitchwort)
sianmatthews: Three trees
sianmatthews: Adoxa moschatellina (Moschatel)
sianmatthews: Adoxa moschatellina (Moschatel) close up
sianmatthews: Mercurialis perennis (Dog's Mercury)
sianmatthews: Lamiastrum galeobdolen (Yellow Archangel)
sianmatthews: Fraxinus excelsior (Ash) plantation
sianmatthews: Alopecurus pratensis (Meadow Foxtail)
sianmatthews: Sunshine in the woods
sianmatthews: Dipsacus pilosus (Small Teasel)
sianmatthews: Signs of medieval arable cultivation, ridge and furrow earthworks
sianmatthews: Campanula rotundifolia (Harebells)
sianmatthews: Deschampsia flexuosa with Campanula rotundifolia
sianmatthews: Allium paradoxum (Few-flowered Garlic)
sianmatthews: Allium paradoxum (Few-flowered Garlic)
sianmatthews: Allium paradoxum (Few-flowered Garlic)
sianmatthews: Allium paradoxum (Few-flowered Garlic) Close up
sianmatthews: Allium paradoxum (Few-flowered Garlic) Flower