sianmatthews: Cyclamen coum (Eastern Sowbread)
sianmatthews: Euphorbia myrsinites
sianmatthews: Cordyline australis (Cabbage-Palm)
sianmatthews: Valerianella carinata (Keeled-fruited Corn Salad)
sianmatthews: Allium triquetrum (Three-cornered Garlic)
sianmatthews: Geranium lucidum (Shining Crane's-bill)
sianmatthews: Sisymbrium polyceratium
sianmatthews: Mercurialis annua (Annual Mercury) SK7953
sianmatthews: Galinsoga quadriradiata (Shaggy Soldier)
sianmatthews: Senecio squalidus (Oxford Ragwort)
sianmatthews: Solanum lycopersicum (Tomato)
sianmatthews: Valerianella carinata (Corn Salad)
sianmatthews: Senecio jacobaea showing basal rosette
sianmatthews: Senecio squalidus (Oxford Ragwort) - no basal rosette
sianmatthews: Senecio vulgaris var hibernicus (Rayed Groundsel)
sianmatthews: Senecio vulgaris var hibernicus (Rayed Groundsel)
sianmatthews: Senecio vulgaris var hibernicus side view of flowers
sianmatthews: Sisymbrium polyceratium (Horned Mustard)
sianmatthews: Catapodium marinum (Sea Fern-grass)
sianmatthews: Rorippa palustris (Marsh Yellow-cress), pavement West Bridgford SK5736 - pods
sianmatthews: Rorippa palustris (Marsh Yellow-cress) - leaf and stem
sianmatthews: Rorippa palustris (Marsh Yellow-cress)
sianmatthews: Portulaca oleracea (Purslane)
sianmatthews: Cyperus eragrostis (Pale Galingale)
sianmatthews: Conyza sumatrensis (Guernsey Fleabane) - habit
sianmatthews: Conyza sumatrensis (Guernsey Fleabane) - flowers
sianmatthews: Erophila verna
sianmatthews: Claytonia perfoliata (Spring-Beauty)
sianmatthews: Sisymbrium orientale (Eastern Rocket)
sianmatthews: Sisymbrium orientale (Eastern Rocket)